EMDR Therapy In NYC

EMDR, which stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing is an evidence based treatment approach for PTSD, anxiety, and other mental health symptoms. Essentially, EMDR is a type of therapy that allows people to heal from symptoms of emotional distress that have occurred due to life experiences. EMDR is most commonly known for treating PTSD, as many of the early studies done with EMDR were for those diagnosed with PTSD. However, with the wide spread effectiveness of EMDR, it has been determined that it can be incredibly effective for all types of people with different types of challenges. Some of the more day-to-day experiences that have led to low self-esteem, powerlessness, or perfectionism (to name a few), can also be treated with EMDR. EMDR allows for mental healing to occur similarly to the way our body heals from physical distress. The brain, like the body, will naturally try and heal, however, there can often be blocks that occur. With EMDR, we work on removing these blocks, allowing for the healing process to continue.

EMDR Therapy in NYC FAQs

Is EMDR backed by research and science?

Absolutely! There have been more than 30 positive studies done on EMDR and its effectiveness. Currently, EMDR has been so widely researched that it is recognized by organizations such as the World Health Organization and the American Psychiatric Association as an effective form of treatment.

How effective is EMDR?

Some studies on EMDR showed that 84%-90% of people with PTSD no longer had PTSD after three sessions of 90 minutes of EMDR. Other studies have also found similar findings after sessions at a shorter length of time.

Do I need to go into details of my distressing memories?

Not necessarily! EMDR does not require that we detail traumatic or distressing experiences. While we pick certain incidents in your life that you would like to target, we dont need to discuss these incidents in the way trauma focused traditional therapy may. This can be a benefit for those who may not want to go back through the events that they’ve experienced or witnessed.

What exactly happens during EMDR?

In the first few sessions of EMDR, we will focus on history taking and building the relationship between you and the therapist. Then, you and the therapist will go over resources (or skills) that you can use on your own and/or throughout EMDR sessions. After that, we’ll develop a treatment plan with the incidents and memories that you’d like to target. Once we pick which memory to work on first, the clinician will use bilateral stimulation while you hold different aspects of that event in your mind. While the term bilateral stimulation may sound intimidating, bilateral stimulation is as simple as using sounds, tapping, or eye movements on one side of the body and then crossing over to the other side of the body. It is believed that this type of stimulation allows for deeper processing of distressing memories and emotions.

How many sessions does EMDR require?

How long you do EMDR sessions will vary depending on your treatment plan, length of sessions, and how the treatment is impacting you. EMDR can sometimes be a shorter treatment span, such as 5-6 sessions. Often, it can require more sessions and may take somewhere around 12-13 sessions. However, this is no guarantee. Once you begin working with your therapist, you will both get an understanding of what the length of treatment may look like.

How frequent would I be doing EMDR?

Similarly to the answer as to how many sessions this may take, how frequent you attend session can also vary with both your schedule and the clinicians schedule. Typically, once a week is the recommended minimum. However, EMDR can occur more often than once a week, if needed or preferred.