ADHD Services

Are you an adult who has spent the majority of your life feeling different than those around you and not sure why?

Do you notice that other people can complete tasks and work in a way that seems foreign to you?

Have you been previously diagnosed with ADHD but are unsure how to structure your daily life so you’re not plagued by the symptoms you’re experiencing?

If you relate to any of these questions, there is definitely help we can provide that will help you feeling more in control of your day to day life while decreasing the shame and uncomfortable emotions that come alongside the symptoms of ADHD. The ADHD services we provide are:

  • Adult Assessment and Diagnosis of ADHD

  • ADHD Coaching

  • ADHD Therapy


What can I expect during an ADHD assessment?

Before an ADHD assessment, you will receive paperwork with self-based assessments to complete before you meet with your clinician. Once you meet, you will spend around 2-3 hours with your clinician answering specific questions and explaining the symptoms you notice in your day to day. Following this assessment, your clinician will take some time to review everything and possibly, make a diagnosis. This can take around 2-3 weeks. Once your clinician has finished this, if you have a diagnosis of ADHD, you will receive a letter explaining your diagnosis and symptoms, as well as what your treatment recommendations are. Your clinician will also set up a time with you to review this letter.

What do I do after receiving my letter?

This depends on what your goals are. If you’re hoping to get on medication for your ADHD, you can bring the letter to a psychiatrist and discuss medication options with a prescribing physician. Typically, it will be recommended that you begin ADHD therapy and coaching. This will help you tackle both the emotional impacts of ADHD and the executive dysfunction. The letter will not allow you to receive accommodations at work and school. If this is what you are looking for, a full neuropsychological evaluation will need to be done with a neuropsychologist.

Is my therapist able to prescribe me medication?

No. You will have to see a Nurse Practitioner, a Psychiatrist, or a Physician to prescribe you medication.

Will you collaborate with my psychiatrist?

If this is what your wishes are then absolutely! We are always happy to collaborate care with any other treatment providers if we have your consent.

What is the cost of the ADHD assessment?

An ADHD assessment is $750. This includes both the assessment and the letter (if applicable). Your insurance may accept the assessment with your out of network benefits, however, you must verify this with your individual insurance plan.

What is the difference between ADHD therapy and ADHD coaching?

ADHD therapy address the emotions and thoughts surrounding ADHD, the diagnosis itself, and the affects it has on your life. ADHD therapy may also include other areas of your life that your ADHD impacts such as your relationships, work, school, etc. ADHD coaching is more of a direct approach to handling executive dysfunction. ADHD coaching involves a clear plan to tackle the specific areas in your life you’re impacted by ADHD and often includes follow up from your therapist throughout the week. Typically, ADHD therapy and coaching are done concurrently.