Couples Therapy NYC

Taking the first step towards couples therapy can be overwhelming and intimidating. We aim to take an approach that ensures all partners feel safe and comfortable during couples therapy. Typically, most clinicians at Connected Healing Therapy Center will use a variety of different treatment modalities depending on the couple and their unique relationship and treatment goals. Some modalities include Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), Internal Family Systems (IFS), and The Gottman Method. You can check out our blog with more information about what to expect in couples counseling NYC here. If you or your partner(s) would like to speak to a clinician about couples therapy NYC further, you can schedule a free 15-minute consultation at this link.

Connected Healing Therapy Center offers couples therapy NYC and couples counseling NYC. If you’ve found yourself here it’s likely that you and your partner(s) are struggling in some way. The good news is, couples therapy has been proven to be an effective treatment for couples who are struggling. In couples therapy, you will learn to improve your communication with one another and learn how to have conflict in a way that makes the relationship stronger. By having a therapist on your team, you can gain the skills to solve the day-to-day problems you have together as well as begin, or continue, to repair some of the resentments that may have developed over time. Some of the relationships concerns we specialize in are:

  • Infidelity

  • Intimacy Concerns

  • Conflict Resolution

  • Communication Issues

Our Approach to Couples Therapy NYC

Couples Therapy NYC FAQs

How do I know if it’s time for my partner and I to see a couples therapist?

If you find that there is one, or more, problems that you have not been able to resolve on your own, it may be time for couples therapy. If any of these problems are reoccurring, that’s another indicator couples therapy can help. It’s important not to wait until last minute to go to couples therapy or until one partner becomes checked out. However, couples therapy can also be preventative and something you do with your partner to deepen the intimacy and connection in the relationship. It can help you learn each other better and become equipped with new skills and ways to love one another.

What happens in couples therapy?

This is a great question! Head over to this blog post for an in-depth answer.

Will couples therapy work?

Therapy, including couples therapy, has been proven to be effective based on thousands of evidence-based research studies. With couples therapy, there are many different things that may impact how effective therapy is for the couple. Therapy is a commitment that extends further than the time in session together. If partners are willing to put in the work and show up for one another outside of the therapy room, couples therapy can absolutely work for you. Like many things, with commitment, dedication, and consistency, you and your significant other(s) can absolutely see improvements in your overall relationship satisfaction.

Can we attend couples therapy if we’re not married or living together?

Absolutely! There is no timeline on how long you need to be together or what stage of your relationship you're in before starting couples therapy. If you’re interested in couples therapy, that’s enough to give it a try.

What if I’m in a non-monogamous relationship?

We work with all types of relationship dynamics and boundaries. The goal with couples therapy is to help the relationship get to the place it needs to be, regardless of the relationship type. If you’re in a non-monogamous relationship and seeking couples therapy this can absolutely be the place for you.